Not Your Drinking Buddy

Sober Living with Joe Simonelli

January 07, 2023 Season 1 Episode 5

**Disclaimer** We encountered some technical issues with the mic in the studio for this episode, apologies in advance.**

 Get ready to listen to a conversation with Joey from A Vision for Hope.  Listen to Not Your Drinking Buddy podcast if you are in sobriety, sober curious or associated with individuals in sobriety. You will gain inspiration to stay sober another minute, hour and day. The purpose of this podcast is to highlight wins along with challenges of sobriety.  This episode you will hear about Joe's story through a conversation held by the host Cassi Corona. 

Joe actively helps individuals with recovery. He is the owner of an addiction treatment center:  A vision for hope. Joe shares how he decided to start helping others through opening sober homes. He is an active participant in the sober community and works alongside other inspirational sober individuals in the Boston area. If you are moved by his story and want to learn more about Joe, visit his instagram: @joey_simonelli he will be sure to help you and support you with your sobriety. 

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Music and all All Rights Produced and Reserved by Beats  @Kuhrohnuh_beatz

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